What’s the fastest way to get better from bladder cancer?

There is no cure for bladder cancer that can be achieved through food. However, you can regulate bladder cancer through food, and a healthy diet is also needed during bladder cancer treatment. During bladder cancer treatment, it is recommended to eat more of these foods rich in fatty acids, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, protein, etc. In terms of vegetables, eat more carrots, capers, tomatoes, cauliflower, leeks, lucerne, etc. Fruits eat more kiwi, strawberries, bananas, grapes, apples, watermelon, etc. These are rich in vitamin C and low energy. Of course, the first time of bladder cancer should go to the hospital to do a series of examinations to determine what period of bladder cancer, if it is early bladder cancer, radical surgery should be carried out as early as possible to treat it, and the corresponding treatment program is also carried out in the middle and late stages. Food can only play a regulating role and cannot be used as a treatment. If you have bladder cancer, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time and follow the doctor’s prescription for treatment.

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