Dietary remedies for cold hands and feet and fear of coldness

Cold hands and feet is mainly due to the lack of yang qi caused by Chinese medicine, yang main warmth, spleen main limbs. If the spleen yang exuberant, the extremities of the yang qi Xuan Tong, limbs warm; if the spleen yang deficiency, the extremities of the end of the yang qi can not be warm, there will be cold hands and feet cold, especially in winter. For the symptoms of yang deficiency, you can under the guidance of the doctor appropriate dietary therapy to regulate.
1. Leek fried shrimp. The ingredients needed include leeks, shrimp, this product has the effect of warming the kidney yang, suitable for kidney yang deficiency groups.
2. Deer antler steamed egg. Ingredients needed include deer antler end, eggs, the efficacy of this product and applicable groups as above (point 1).
3. Lamb stewed with wolfberry and black bean. Ingredients needed include wolfberry, black beans, mutton ginger, this product has the effect of nourishing yin and qi, suitable for yang deficiency and menstrual pain in female groups.
4. Ginger cinnamon stewed pork belly. The ingredients needed include ginger, cinnamon, pork belly pieces, barley, this product has the effect of warming the spleen, suitable for Yang deficiency and edema groups.
It should be noted that: food therapy is only a method of treating Yang deficiency, mainly health care, and can not be too much looking forward to the efficacy of food conditioning, when the symptoms of Yang deficiency aggravated, the patient should consult a doctor in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor to carry out other ways of treatment, so as not to delay the condition.

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