What’s wrong with flaky calves?

Calf flakes may be normal physiological reaction, congenital dry skin, skin disease and other factors. 1. Normal physiological reaction: many people appear flaky calves and seasonal changes have a lot to do with, for example, the human body’s sebum secretion will be reduced in winter, resulting in the surface of the skin flaking, dry, and severe itching. It is recommended that patients follow the doctor’s instructions in the local application of moisturizing moisturizer to improve the symptoms, such as petroleum jelly, glycerin, medical olive oil, etc., can improve the symptoms of dandruff on the calves. 2. Congenital dry skin: some patients have congenital ichthyosis, manifested as dry calves, showing ichthyosis-like changes, with flakes. It is recommended that patients follow the doctor’s instructions to apply local moisturizing creams, such as petroleum jelly, urea cream, etc., and Vitamin A acid ointment treatment. 3. Skin diseases: for example, psoriasis, many patients due to immune disorders, heredity and other factors lead to disease attacks, can be manifested in the calf area with erythema, erythema surface with silver-white scales. It is mainly treated by topical moisturizing cream, glucocorticoid, carbotriol or tacrolimus ointment, and systematic oral medication such as aminoglycoside and Avicenna. It is recommended that patients usually eat less stimulating food, do not eat fat as well as sugary food, but also do a good job of skin cleansing, care; under the guidance of the doctor for treatment, do not blindly use medication, avoid the use of hormone drugs.

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