What are the symptoms of Qi and blood deficiency?

Chinese medicine believes that qi is the handsome of blood, blood is the mother of qi, qi can produce blood. Qi has the function of promoting, fixing and defending, while blood has the function of moistening the internal organs, limbs and bones. The following symptoms are common in Qi and Blood deficiency: fatigue, shortness of breath, lazy speech, whispering, yellowish face, low menstrual volume, light color, late menstruation or amenorrhea, blood in stool, and leakage. In addition, there are yellow, dry and lusterless hair, chest tightness, palpitations and shortness of breath that worsen after activity, spontaneous sweating and night sweating, body weakness and easy to catch a cold, muscle wasting, diarrhea and loose stools, abdominal distension, dizziness and tinnitus, poor memory, stomach prolapse, uterine prolapse, claw nail cracking, dimming of vision, growth retardation, pale tongue and weak pulse, etc.

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