What is the standard for blood glucose after two hours

The two-hour postprandial blood glucose standard generally refers to the blood glucose concentration two hours after a meal, with a normal range of less than 7.8 mmol/L. The two-hour postprandial blood glucose standard is calculated two hours after the first meal. The two-hour postprandial blood glucose concentration is the concentration of blood glucose two hours after the first bite of a meal, and is able to detect the glycemic control of diabetic patients or diagnose the existence of abnormal blood glucose conditions. The normal range of blood glucose two hours after meal should be less than 7.8mmol/L; if the fasting blood glucose is less than 7.0mmol/L, but the blood glucose two hours after glycemic load is greater than or equal to 7.8mmol/L and less than 11.1mmol/L, it suggests that glucose tolerance is impaired; if it is greater than 11.1mmol/L, then it reaches the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, one of the criteria. In daily life, you should avoid eating foods high in sugar, salt and oil to avoid large fluctuations in blood glucose after meals. It is recommended to go to the hospital if there is an abnormality in the two-hour postprandial blood glucose concentration.

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