What causes yellow urine in men

Male patients with yellow urine consider the following reasons: first, consider the patient to drink less water, more water loss in the body, urine concentration resulting in yellow urine, some food, drugs such as vitamins can also lead to yellow urine, is a normal physiological phenomenon, just pay attention to drink more water can be. Second, consider the existence of urinary system diseases, such as urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis and other inflammatory diseases, inflammation stimulates the urinary system will lead to yellow urine color, cloudy. Third, consider suffering from diseases of the liver and biliary system or blood system, resulting in an increase in bilirubin in the patient’s urine, causing the urine to turn yellow in color. The above is an analysis of the specific causes of yellow urine in male patients, and it is recommended that patients with prolonged yellow urine should go to a regular hospital for examination and treatment after a clear diagnosis.

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