What’s wrong with the muscle pain in the left lower back?

Left side lumbar muscle pain may be caused by lumbar muscle strain, degenerative lumbar scoliosis, herpes zoster and other reasons. 1. Lumbar muscle strain: lumbar muscle strain is the main factor leading to pain in the left side of the lumbar muscle, such as long-term work at work, sedentary, long-term driving a car and so on. Sitting for a long time will lead to long-term pulling of the lumbar muscles and increased friction, and the lumbar muscles will experience soreness, pain and other symptoms. 2. Degenerative lumbar scoliosis: Degenerative lumbar scoliosis can lead to muscle imbalance between the left and right sides of the lower back, sometimes causing pain on one side, such as the left side of the lower back will be painful. 3. Herpes zoster: After viral infection, it will lurk in the nerve cells of the nerve fibers of the posterior root of the spinal nerves, and in the case of decreased resistance, fatigue, infection, fever, etc., this virus will continue to multiply and grow, and invade the surface of the skin through the sympathetic nerves, causing inflammation of the damaged skin, which will lead to neuralgia, which can appear on one side of the lower back. There are many reasons for the appearance of muscle pain on the left side of the lower back, and if it persists without relief, you need to seek medical attention.

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