Should I avoid eating herpes?

Because certain foods contain ingredients that may interfere with the clearance of the herpes virus or the body’s repair of damage, herpes patients need to refrain from eating foods that are generally spicy and warm, fatty and oily. Spicy and warm foods include chili, garlic, onion, ginger, wine, etc. These foods may cause increased inflammation, ulceration of herpes, and secondary infections when consumed by patients. Fatty and oily foods include fried chicken, fatty meat, cream, butter, etc. These foods can affect intestinal absorption and make some nutrients such as protein and vitamins pass away, thus affecting the recovery of herpes patients. Herpes is usually caused by herpes virus infection, commonly including herpes zoster and herpes simplex, which is a kind of damage to the organism, so the patient needs a reasonable diet to ensure the organism’s recovery. During the treatment period, patients should actively supplement with foods rich in protein and vitamins, such as lean meat, eggs, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, etc., to supplement nutrition. Patients should pay attention to avoid staying up late and ensure sufficient sleep, and if they need to take medication, they should follow the doctor’s instructions and take medication regularly.

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