The typical day of bleeding from implantation

  Usually, there is no bleeding at implantation, but depending on individual body type, some women may experience a small amount of vaginal bleeding, light pink in color, for about 1-2 days after conception.  The bleeding at implantation is caused by slight damage to the endometrium, resulting in a slight rupture of the small blood vessels, usually manifested as brown vaginal discharge. If bleeding persists, further examination at the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital is needed to clarify the cause of bleeding, and according to the examination results, timely treatment to stop bleeding is required. In addition, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and menstrual flow of non-pregnant can cause bleeding, but the bleeding in bed usually does not exceed 7 days and the amount of bleeding is small. Therefore, once abnormalities are detected, you should go to the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital for ultrasound, hCG and progesterone tests to exclude the above factors.  If the bleeding is prolonged, it is recommended to take birth control medication under the guidance of the doctor. If the bleeding continues even after taking the birth control medication, the failure of birth control is considered.

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