How can I prevent eczema from coming back?

  Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is a group of skin manifestations of erythema, papules, patches, plaques, scales, sometimes exudate, accompanied by itching. According to the condition is divided into acute eczema, subacute eczema, chronic eczema; according to the location of the split eczema, calf eczema, head eczema, etc.; according to the cause of infectious eczema and so on. Eczema itself is not contagious, and is generally characterized by intense itching, alternating between remission and flare-ups (good and bad), and varies from eczema to eczema in terms of its etiology and risk factors as well as treatment. This article is only a principled introduction to the prevention of recurrence.  1, the duration of treatment of eczema is generally 8 weeks to 12 weeks, and in some patients even 6 months. Treatment is divided into a control phase and a consolidation phase. Some patients stop treatment after controlling the rash and treat it again when it flares up. It should be the case that after controlling the rash, the consolidation treatment is continued. The drugs and treatments during the consolidation phase are not exactly the same as those during the control phase (at the doctor’s discretion). Therefore, patients should be prepared for longer-term treatment at the beginning of treatment. If you stop treatment too early, eczema is very easy to recur.  2, eczema an important feature is intense itching. The doctor told the patient not to scratch, our experience the vast majority of patients are unable to do, in addition to the patient unknowingly scratching during sleep. Scratching itself can cause a rash! Controlling scratching is an important part of preventing recurrence. Preventing scratching can be done with oral antipruritic medications. Therefore longer term continuous or intermittent application of antipruritic medication. Also nails should be cut short to minimize scratching. Itchy areas with cold water wet compresses, can reduce itching.  3, most eczema patients have dry skin, and dry skin can cause itching. Therefore skin moisturization is the basic measure to prevent eczema recurrence. Apply emollient moisturizer within 3 minutes after bathing for the best effect, it is also possible to apply emollient several times during the day. At present, domestic and foreign new development of a variety of hypoallergenic, therapeutic emollients, its moisturizing effect is better than ordinary emollients, but the price is more expensive.  4, avoid contact with alkaline cleaning products such as soap, hand soap, laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid, dishwashing detergent.  5, avoid sweating and overheating. Because these two factors can aggravate the itching.  6.Avoid sudden changes in temperature or humidity. A sudden rise in temperature can cause sweating and overheating, and a drop in humidity can cause dry skin.  7, clothing close to the skin should be cotton clothes, and chemical fiber or woolen clothing will irritate the skin. New clothes should be washed before wearing, and old clothes should be rinsed several times to remove detergents from the clothes.  8, eczema is a multi-factorial disease whose cause is not quite clear. Patients should be intentional in life, it is best to insist on writing a life diary, persist for a period of time, most can find aggravating factors. Such as alcohol, tobacco, spicy food, etc., find after trying to avoid.  9.Change the original lifestyle. A healthy life is nothing but the four aspects of adequate sleep, moderate exercise, balanced diet, and a happy mood.

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