What does the shade of blood indicate?

All blood in the human body comes from blood vessels, including arteries, veins, and capillaries. The color of normal human blood is bright red and changes accordingly after leaving the blood vessels. The darker the blood is, the more suggestive it is of disease. The darker the color of the blood, the more hemoglobin or the amount of red blood cells contained in the blood, especially the more oxygenated hemoglobin, the redder the color of the blood. The lighter the color of the blood, the lower the amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin contained in the blood. Some patients with anemia can show pale skin on the surface of the body, such as pale lips and pale nails, both of which are a symptom suggestive of anemia. Some blood is dark red, indicating a longer time away from the blood vessels. Some blood is coffee-colored, indicating the presence of more iron-containing heme, such as the breakdown of stomach bleeding by gastric acid, which produces iron-containing heme, so it manifests as vomiting coffee-colored liquid.

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