Can you take folic acid and ginkgo biloba together?

Taking folic acid and ginkgo biloba together is not recommended, especially for women in preparation for or during pregnancy. If you need to take two medications at the same time, you should consult your doctor first to assess your individual constitution and actual condition to avoid the risk of medication.
Folic acid belongs to the water-soluble B vitamins and is commonly used for women during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Folic acid is important for the growth and development of the fetus, and it is important for pregnant women to take folic acid supplements. However, folic acid is easily affected by other drugs, resulting in its absorption and utilization in the body is reduced, for example, folic acid should not be taken at the same time with vitamin C drugs, acidulant stomach medicine, alcohol.
Ginkgo biloba has the effect of improving circulation and regulating the flow of blood vessels, but it should be noted that pregnant women, people with heart failure and allergies should be used with caution.
If you want to combine multiple drugs, it is recommended to consult a professional doctor or pharmacist first, and follow the doctor’s instructions for medication.

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