What happened when my period was always normal and suddenly became less frequent with no other abnormalities?

Menstruation has been normal and suddenly become less without other abnormalities may be caused by abnormal pregnancy or bad life factors, drug factors, disease factors and so on. 1. Abnormal pregnancy. Menstruation has been normal and suddenly the menstrual flow is relatively small, first of all, we should consider whether it is caused by preeclampsia or ectopic pregnancy, often accompanied by a history of menopause, and there will be abdominal pain and lumbar pain and other discomforts. Pre-eclampsia can be prescribed to take progesterone to protect the fetus, and ectopic pregnancy needs to take mifepristone, methotrexate tablets under the guidance of the doctor for conservative treatment or surgical treatment. 2. Adverse life factors. Suddenly less menstrual flow may also be due to women too nervous, anxiety, stress, stay up late and other adverse factors cause hormone level disorders in the body, resulting in a short period of time to reduce the phenomenon of menstrual flow, generally bad habits after adjusting the menstrual flow will return to normal. 3. Drug factors. Before or during the menstrual period to take a large dose of hormone drugs, diet pills or coagulation drugs, etc., may also lead to a sudden decrease in menstrual flow, after stopping the drug, the amount of menstruation will generally return to normal. 4. Disease factors. Sudden decrease in menstrual flow may also be caused by severe damage to the uterine lining, hypothyroidism or polycystic ovary syndrome, premature ovarian failure and other diseases. Combined with ultrasound and sex hormone six tests, according to the specific cause of the disease, follow the doctor’s instructions to take estradiol valerate, ethinyl estradiol cyproterone tablets and other drugs to treat the symptoms. There are many reasons why the amount of menstruation has always been normal and suddenly becomes less, it is recommended that women consult a doctor in a timely manner to identify the cause of the disease and then actively treat it.

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