How long to be awake after meningioma surgery

There is no authoritative data to show how long patients will be awake after meningioma surgery. Generally, patients will be awake 1~4 hours after the surgery, if patients are allergic to anesthetics, have large size of meningiomas, located around the brain stem, or have postoperative complications, the time of postoperative wakefulness may be delayed. At present, there is no authoritative clinical data to show how long patients will be awake after meningioma surgery. Most patients may be awake 1~4 hours after meningioma surgery, but the exact time of being awake needs to be judged according to the specific situation of the patient. If the patient is sensitive to anesthetics, the postoperative awake time may be relatively delayed. In addition, a small number of patients may also have delayed wakefulness after surgery when the size of the meningioma is relatively large and it is difficult for the brain tissue function to recover rapidly for a short period of time after surgery. In addition, a meningioma located around the brainstem or postoperative complications after surgery, such as cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral edema, may also lead to a delay in postoperative awake time. How long will the patient wake up after meningioma surgery needs to be judged by the doctor according to the patient’s condition. If the patient is not awake for a long time after the surgery, he/she needs to have a CT examination of the brain, and the doctor will take appropriate treatment measures according to the patient’s physical condition and the examination results.

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