What is the sign of a painful right thumb joint?

Right thumb joint pain may be tenosynovitis, gouty arthritis, cervical spondylosis and other factors.
1. Tenosynovitis: long-term use of the right thumb frequent weight-bearing exercise, easy to cause the tendon sheath of the thumb joint and the tendon repeated friction, thus causing tendon sheath tissue edema, hyperplasia and other inflammatory reactions, which in turn will cause the right thumb joint pain.
2. Gouty arthritis: If you eat too much high purine food, it will lead to high uric acid concentration in the body, and uric acid crystals will be deposited in the thumb joints where the skin is weak, which may cause joint pain and swelling.
3. Cervical spondylosis: often low head work or study, sedentary, easy to lead to cervical degenerative disease, which will compress the surrounding spinal cord or nerve roots, so that the innervated area of the pain, and then the thumb joints will appear obvious pain.
If you have frequent pain in the right thumb joint, you should go to the hospital in time and receive standardized treatment under the guidance of your doctor.

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