What should I do if I have a stomach ache after eating a skinny egg?

Abdominal pain after eating eggs should be taken according to the specific cause of the appropriate treatment, common causes are intestinal spasm, enteritis, etc., commonly used treatments are general treatment, physical therapy and drug therapy. 1. Intestinal spasm: light diet is recommended, hot compresses, acupuncture and other physical methods can be used to alleviate the symptoms, severe pain can be used antispasmodic drugs, such as belladonna tablets, scopolamine hydrochloride, etc. to alleviate the symptoms. 2. Enteritis: can be given rich in nutrients, easy to digest food, such as rice porridge. Commonly used drugs are antibiotics, such as amoxicillin, ofloxacin, etc., antispasmodic drugs such as atropine can inhibit intestinal peristalsis and secretion of intestinal fluid. Eating eggs after abdominal pain symptoms are serious, it is recommended to go to the hospital as soon as possible to improve the examination, to clarify the cause of the disease, under the guidance of a professional physician standardized treatment. The above drugs should be used under the guidance of a doctor, avoid self-medication.

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