How long do you need to rest for a hysterectomy?

The rest time for hysterectomy is related to the surgical method and the patient’s physical condition, which varies greatly from individual to individual and usually takes 1-3 months. Subtotal hysterectomy is relatively less invasive and usually requires about one month of rest. Total uterine excision surgery, the operation may involve the entire pelvis, postoperative recovery is slower, may need to rest for at least about two months. However, some patients are in poor health and either type of surgery is very traumatic for his body and may take three months or more to recover. During the rest period, try to adhere to the use of a lap band, avoid lifting heavy objects and climbing stairs, doing heavy physical activities, in order to prevent the pelvic organs from functioning prolapse. Usually pay attention to strengthen the nutrition, balanced diet, keep optimistic mentality is conducive to the recovery of the body, if there is any discomfort, timely consultation.

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