What is the reason for the blood on the underwear

The causes of blood on the panties vary from time to time. If there is blood on the panties during pregnancy, it is a sign of a fertilized egg on the one hand, and a sign of pre-eclampsia on the other, which requires prompt medical attention. If the blood is present during non-pregnancy and non-menstrual periods, it is likely to be ovulatory bleeding. The appearance of blood at the time of menstruation or before menstruation is a manifestation of early menstruation and does not require any other treatment. You can promote the smooth flow of menstrual blood by applying heat to the abdomen or by massaging the waist properly. For the condition of blood on the panties without a clear cause, and if the period lasts for a long time, you should go to the hospital for blood tests, vaginal discharge tests and ultrasound examinations.

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