Cervical biopsy results chronic cervicitis

The result of cervical biopsy is chronic cervicitis, which indicates inflammatory lesions in the cervix. Chronic cervicitis is a chronic inflammation caused by pathogens infecting the cervix, often due to incomplete treatment of acute cervicitis, with pathogens hiding in the cervical mucosa to form chronic inflammation, mostly seen after childbirth, miscarriage or surgical injury to the cervix, where pathogens invade and cause infection. In most cases, patients with chronic cervicitis do not have any symptoms, but a few show increased leucorrhea, irritation of the vulva can cause vulvar itching or discomfort, and may be accompanied by abnormal vaginal bleeding, such as bleeding after sexual intercourse, abnormal bleeding in the middle of two menstrual periods, and other symptoms. The treatment of chronic cervicitis mainly includes medication as well as physical therapy, according to the different lesions, take targeted treatment methods, as follows: 1, medication: according to the pathogen selection of drug therapy, such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection, oral cephalosporin drug therapy, such as ceftriaxone. The patient can also be treated with vaginal irrigation or topical vaginal medication, such as povidone-based suppositories, according to the specific condition. 2. Physical therapy: Patients with contact bleeding symptoms accompanied by cervical erosion, excluding HPV infection and no abnormalities seen in TCT, can be treated with physical therapy, such as laser therapy, cryotherapy, microwave therapy, etc. Note: Before treatment of chronic cervicitis, HPV and TCT should be performed to exclude other cervical lesions. In daily life, you should pay attention to personal hygiene, avoid high-risk sexual behavior, have regular gynecological examinations, and actively treat vaginal infections when found to prevent pathogens from infecting the cervical area upstream.

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