How to Self-Treat Burning Mouth Syndrome

Burning mouth syndrome, also known as abnormal tongue sensation, is not accompanied by signs of significant clinical pathology, is not diagnostic of other disorders, and has no changes in histopathologic features. Self-treatment mainly includes distraction and emotional regulation. 1.Burning Mouth Syndrome is often thought to be related to anxiety, depression and other psychological disorders because there are no obvious signs of clinical damage and the etiology is not very clear, and there is really no effective treatment at present. Self-treatment mainly includes shifting attention and regulating emotions. 2. Shift attention: It is often found that if the patient’s attention is focused on one thing, such as work, burning mouth syndrome will be reduced. Therefore, try to divert your attention from your oral sensations. 3. Emotional regulation: Try to maintain a pleasant mood and a good lifestyle. If self-treatment fails to relieve the symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time.

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