How to cure meniscus injury of knee joint without recurrence

Knee meniscus injuries need to be treated according to the different degrees of meniscus injuries using different treatments, one degree and two degrees of meniscus injuries through conservative treatment, the third degree through surgery to achieve a cure without recurrence. 1. First degree meniscus injury: first degree meniscus injury can be treated conservatively, there is no obvious tear or fracture of meniscus, it can be treated by conservative braking and blood circulation and blood stasis activating drugs such as Yunnan Baiyao and cartilage nutritional drugs such as glucosamine, etc., and if necessary, it can be punctured in the joint cavity, and injected with sodium hyaluronate for treatment. 2. Second-degree meniscus injury: the affected side of the limb is externally immobilized with plaster cast for one month, during which blood-activating and blood-stasis-removing drugs such as Yunnan Baiyao and cartilage nutritive drugs such as glucosamine can be applied, and sodium vitrate can also be injected. After one month, review, meniscus damage obvious recovery, then continue conservative treatment. If the effect is not good, then use surgical treatment. Perform meniscal suture surgery. 3. Third-degree meniscus injury: meniscus has obvious tear, fracture, and there may be the appearance of free body, need to carry out minimally invasive knee arthroscopy meniscus repair and meniscoplasty, as well as free body removal surgery to cure! It is advisable to choose the appropriate treatment for knee meniscus injuries under the guidance of a physician.

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