Maximum time between doses of HFMD vaccine

The HFMD vaccine is given at intervals of up to three months. The HFMD vaccine protects against HFMD virus infection and is generally recommended for children six months of age and older to less than five years of age. Basic immunization with the HFMD vaccine is currently recommended to be given in two doses, with the first dose of HFMD vaccine and the second dose of HFMD vaccine one month apart. Vaccination should not be delayed more than three months for any reason. After the first dose of HFMD vaccine, a small amount of antibodies can be produced in the body, but these antibodies are unstable and slowly disappear over time. Therefore, timely administration of the second dose of the vaccine can stimulate the production of more antibodies, maintain them for a longer period of time, and achieve an effective preventive effect, and it is recommended that the vaccine be administered within the prescribed period of time.

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