What are the best foods for children with bad stomach and vomiting?

Children with gastrointestinal problems and vomiting should eat light, easy to digest food, and more importantly, identify the cause and treat according to the cause.
Children’s gastrointestinal bad vomiting, in order to reduce the burden on the stomach and intestines, should eat light, easy to digest food, such as millet porridge, pumpkin porridge, yam porridge, noodle soup, egg soup, etc., to avoid eating cold, greasy, spicy and stimulating food.
If there is no significant improvement in vomiting, you should go to the hospital in time to find out the cause, vomiting can be seen in intestinal obstruction, congenital pyloric obstruction, acute gastroenteritis and other diseases, you should be directed at the cause of the treatment, intestinal obstruction should be fasting water, gastrointestinal decompression; congenital pyloric obstruction is generally to be surgical treatment; acute gastroenteritis is usually to be anti-infective treatment.
Children with gastrointestinal problems and vomiting should go to the hospital in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor’s treatment and a reasonable diet.

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