Can gray hair be conditioned to become black?

Currently there is no “can cure all types of gray hair” of special drugs, if there is aesthetic needs, through the coloring of hair to improve the symptoms of gray hair. Gray hair can be divided into physiological gray hair and pathological gray hair. Physiological gray hair is caused by the gradual decline in the function of melanin cells as we age. This kind of gray hair does not need treatment, the effect of traditional Chinese medicine is limited, and the symptoms can be improved by coloring the hair. Pathological gray hair is mostly secondary to albinism, zinc deficiency and other pathological factors, and needs to be treated for the cause. There is no effective treatment for albinism, so the gray hair of albinism cannot be cured. Gray hair due to zinc deficiency can be treated with zinc supplementation medications. The effect of traditional Chinese medicine to improve gray hair varies from person to person, and it is mostly used externally, such as Chinese medicine tincture, Chinese medicine lotion, etc. Commonly used traditional Chinese medicines include Mojiaolian, chasteberry, etc. It is advisable to follow the doctor’s instructions for the specific use of medicines. If you exclude the physiological factors of gray hair, you should go to the hospital in a timely manner, improve the relevant examination to clarify the cause of the disease, under the guidance of the doctor symptomatic treatment, should not be unauthorized use of drugs.

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