What to do if your baby’s mosquito bites swell up extra large?

Swelling after mosquito bites in young children is mainly related to allergies and infections, and can usually be treated with medication.
When mosquitoes carry certain allergens to bite sensitive young children can lead to severe localized swelling symptoms. This can be treated with antihistamines, such as loratadine syrup and levocetirizine. Topical corticosteroid ointments such as hydrocortisone cream and dieldrin cream can also be used to alleviate the local inflammatory reaction, thus improving the symptoms.
Young children who have been bitten by mosquitoes can have localized skin infections when certain pathogens invade, resulting in severe localized swelling, which can be treated with antibiotics to fight infection, commonly erythromycin ointment, mupirocin ointment and other medications.
If a young child is bitten by a mosquito after the local serious swelling symptoms persist, should promptly seek medical treatment, follow the doctor’s instructions for medication, not to take the liberty to avoid delaying the condition. Personal hygiene should be maintained on weekdays to prevent mosquito bites. The above medications should be used in accordance with medical advice.

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