Mung beans boiled with licorice has what what effect

Green beans boiled with licorice has certain effects of clearing heat, eliminating summer heat and detoxification. It can treat summer heat, thirst, urine and redness, and prevent acne and measles.

Mung beans are sweet in taste and cold in nature, and are attributed to the heart and stomach meridians. It is effective in clearing heat and removing toxins (removing heat and toxicity from the body), inducing diuresis and eliminating summer heat. It can be used to treat heat sores and carbuncles (sores and carbuncles that appear on the surface of the skin because of excessive heat and toxicity in the body), swelling and pain, summer heat and thirst, urinary incontinence (unruly urination), edema and other diseases.

Mung beans should not be consumed by people with cold spleen and stomach (weak and cold spleen and stomach) and intestinal slip and diarrhea.

Licorice is sweet in taste and flat in nature. It belongs to the heart, lung, spleen and stomach meridians. It is effective in tonifying the spleen and qi, clearing heat and removing toxins, relieving pain (relieving urgent pain symptoms), relieving cough and phlegm, and harmonizing various medicines (harmonizing the medicinal properties of different Chinese medicines).

It can be used to treat weak spleen and stomach, tiredness and fatigue; palpitation (rapid heartbeat, often accompanied by panic), shortness of breath; sore throat, heat sores and ulcers; cough and phlegm; pain in the epigastrium (abdomen) and contracture of the limbs; and relief of drug toxicity. Licorice should not be used by people with dampness, fullness and edema.

If you feel unwell, please go to the hospital in time and standardize the treatment under the doctor’s guidance to avoid delaying your condition.

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