New mothers how to hold the child correctly

  The most tiring thing new mothers face is having to hold their babies for long periods of time, causing them back pain, and this pain will intensify as the weight of the child increases.  A. What health problems may be brought to new mothers by holding their children?  1. Mother’s hands.  As a result of frequently holding children, many new mothers soon suffer from “mother’s hand”, wrist, thumb often pain, can not force, and sometimes wake up in bed, fingertips numb, hands can not move.  Explanation: “Mom’s hand” is a kind of tendonitis, also known as stenosing tendonitis. It is mainly due to inappropriate and vigorous use of the thumb and wrist, resulting in repeated friction of the tendon, leading to exudation, hyperplasia and adhesions in the tendon sheath, affecting the normal activities of the tendon, which in turn produces pain. Initially, the pain can be relieved after the patient’s wrist and finger activities are stiff and slow, but if left unattended, the pain will increase and the patient will not dare to move, which will seriously affect the quality of life.  2. Neck and shoulder pain.  Faced with this tender, soft little body, first-time parents are inevitably nervous, especially when holding the child, many new mothers shrug their shoulders and the muscles of the entire upper body are tense. Some new mothers often look down at their babies when breastfeeding. This will not take long, the new mother has not finished the month, began to appear neck and shoulder, hand numbness, had to be hot compresses to relieve.  Explanation: When holding a child, the adult’s center of gravity shifts forward, so in order to keep the body stable, many muscles have to be mobilized to adjust the center of gravity. Coupled with the new mother’s own tension, improper posture (prolonged head down), this will cause the neck, shoulders, and even back muscles, ligaments for a long time to exert, overworked, and soreness.  3. Scoliosis.  Many new mothers are accustomed to holding their children in one direction, the “main hand” side of the shoulder involuntarily shrugged up, the spine is also bent.  Explanation: This bending of the spine is at first transient, when the mother put down the child, the spine is back to vertical. However, if the new mother often use the same position to hold the child, the muscles will produce a “memory”, even if the new mother does not hold the baby, the shoulders are a high and a low, the spine is curved, this is called “postural scoliosis”. If the new mother often change the position of holding the child, and with certain physical training or rehabilitation physiotherapy, it is possible to recover.  4, lumbar muscle strain.  Many new mothers have lumbar pain problems, and they go to the hospital to check that it is lumbar strain.  Explanation: There are many reasons for new mothers’ lumbar pain, and many mothers are less active after giving birth. If you always lie or sit in bed to recuperate, coupled with weight gain, abdominal flab increases, increasing the load on the lumbar muscles, it is easy to cause lumbar muscle strain and lumbago. In particular, often take improper or not relaxed position to hold the child or to feed the child, will lead to the waist muscles are always in a state of relaxation, so that the lumbar muscles are damaged, and lumbar muscle strain.  Second, there is a learning curve to hold the baby.  1, do not straighten your arms to hold, before picking up the baby so that the baby close to your chest, so you can save a lot of energy.  2, from the floor or other low place to pick up the baby to bend the knees, but do not bend, and then squat, using the strength of your leg muscles to hold the child up. Be careful to tighten your abdominal muscles during this process.  3.When you want to pick up your baby from the crib, tilt the crib toward you and drag the baby over instead of picking him up directly from the bed.  4.When you need to hold your baby for a long time, try to alternate the two hands.  5.When the baby is older, try to use the stroller. It is not recommended that the mother use a carrier, the carrier may affect the baby’s hip development, and even choking situation, the mother are difficult to find in time.

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