Best Time to Take Levamlodipine Benzenesulfonate

Levamlodipine Benzenesulfonate can be taken at any time of the day, and is generally recommended to be taken early in the morning. Levamlodipine benzenesulfonate is a long-acting antihypertensive drug commonly used clinically for the treatment of hypertension and angina pectoris. It has a half-life of about 35-50 hours and is effective when taken at any time. However, for general patients, blood pressure is highest in the early morning, so it is recommended to take it early in the morning for best results. However, for patients with high blood pressure in the afternoon or evening, it can be adjusted to be taken in the afternoon or evening. Adverse reactions: Headache, edema, fatigue, nausea and other adverse reactions may occur with this drug. Precautions: This drug should be used with caution in patients with impaired hepatic function, and this product is not dialyzed. Contraindications: It is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to dihydropyridine calcium antagonists. The medication of hypertensive patients should be under the guidance of the doctor, never adjust the dose arbitrarily.

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