What to do if you have symptomatic carotid artery stenosis

  Carotid stenosis is a cerebrovascular disease with a high incidence, mainly due to atherosclerosis, which leads to blood lipid deposition and accumulation in the inner wall of carotid vessels, causing carotid intima to proliferate and degenerate over time, forming plaques and causing stenosis inside the carotid lumen. Atherosclerosis is mainly due to diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes, plus some bad dietary habits, smoking and alcoholism, which will accelerate the occurrence of atherosclerosis and the formation of plaque. Therefore, it is usually necessary to develop good dietary and living habits to avoid the occurrence of carotid artery stenosis as much as possible.  What are the symptoms of carotid artery stenosis that has already occurred?  First of all, the blocked blood flow will cause cerebral ischemia and trigger a series of symptoms, mainly including dizziness, memory, vision loss, consciousness impairment, black haze, limb numbness and, hemiparesis. What is more dangerous is that if the plaque inside the carotid artery is unstable, the plaque will fall off and enter the brain with the blood flow, which will cause acute cerebral infarction, and this situation is very dangerous for patients. Therefore, patients with carotid artery stenosis should seek timely medical treatment.  In case of mild carotid stenosis, it is recommended to take conservative medication to control the condition by taking some anti-clotting and plaque stabilizing drugs; in case of moderate or severe carotid stenosis, surgical treatment is required depending on the situation. Carotid artery endarterectomy, a relatively advanced and mature minimally invasive surgery, can effectively treat the lesion and restore smooth blood flow, which has good effect on the treatment of carotid stenosis.

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