What is the best meal for atrophic gastritis with celiac disease?

Atrophic gastritis with celiac disease is often recommended to eat light, soft, easy to digest, rich in nutrients, while avoiding spicy stimulation, barbecue and pickled food. Clinically, it is often recommended that people with atrophic gastritis with celiac disease eat light, low-fiber, nutritious food, such as soft meat and eggs, fine noodles, animal offal, etc. Such food can avoid the gastric mucous membrane caused by stimulation and easy to digest and absorb, but also can provide the body with the energy needed, conducive to the recovery of the disease. At the same time, it is not recommended that patients with atrophic gastritis with erosion eat spicy stimulation and barbecue pickled food, and it must be clear that dietary therapy alone can not achieve the ideal treatment, but also need to use morodan, teprenone and other drugs under the guidance of the doctor. However, it should be noted that the response and tolerance of different individuals to different foods may be affected by factors such as individual physical condition, dietary combination, and severity of the disease, and the specific types of suitable foods may vary greatly among individuals. Therefore, there is no such thing as the “best meal” for all patients. To summarize, people diagnosed with atrophic gastritis with celiac disease should make dietary adjustments under the guidance of a doctor according to the actual situation, and should not blindly dispose of the food on their own in order to avoid inappropriate interventions, resulting in adverse consequences.

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