What’s this bone-like thing on the right side of my neck?

A bone-like object on the right side of the neck may be a physiological phenomenon; it may also be a symptom of certain diseases, such as thyroid nodules, enlarged lymph nodes, etc., and should be promptly consulted to find out the cause of the disease. 1. Under physiological circumstances, there may be a protrusion of the thyroid cartilage or cricoid cartilage, which belongs to the normal physiological structural changes, if there is no pain and other abnormal discomfort, there is no need to deliberately deal with. Under physiological circumstances, there may also be localized changes in the curvature of the cervical spine, causing the cervical spine to straighten from anterior curvature or reverse curvature, which will make the original non-protruding bones become prominent. 2. Thyroid gland in the body of thyroid hormone metabolism imbalance will occur follicular cell hyperplasia, the formation of thyroid nodules, more than 95% of the thyroid nodules are benign. More than 95% of thyroid nodules are benign. If you want to know the condition of thyroid nodules, you can have an ultrasound to observe the specific echoes of the lumps as well as the border condition to determine the benign condition of the nodules. 3. There are many lymph nodes in the neck, which can become enlarged when the body is affected by infections, tumors, cell proliferation and metabolic abnormalities. If the enlarged lymph nodes in the neck are caused by local infection, the condition can be relieved after antibacterial treatment. If physiological causes are ruled out, the patient should consult a doctor to clarify the specific cause and, if necessary, undergo appropriate treatment.

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