Can pregnant women eat apricots in mid-pregnancy

Pregnant women can eat apricots in mid-pregnancy, in moderation. Apricots contain nutrients, proteins and vitamins needed for fetal growth and development. Apricots taste sweet and sour, which helps to increase the appetite of pregnant women and promote digestion. Apricot dietary fiber is more, can promote intestinal peristalsis, can relieve constipation symptoms due to uterine compression in mid-pregnancy. Apricot due to the acidic taste will stimulate the secretion of many gastric juices, once a large number of food will increase stomach discomfort, and even cause pregnant women diarrhea, abdominal pain and other conditions, so you can not eat too much at a time. Mid-pregnancy diet should be balanced, pay more attention to rest, when the body has symptoms of discomfort, go to the hospital in a timely manner.

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