How to do if the mosquito bites never fade

After the mosquito bite, will appear on the skin of a small package, some allergic reactions are more serious, but also on the surface of the small package to form a small blister. If the early rash is not broken, you can use stove glycolic lotion or hormonal ointment, such as hydrocortisone butyrate ointment, dermaplanin can be. If it is longer, the rash can form hard nodules, the itching is more intense and the treatment is less effective. This rash is also clinically called itchy rash and requires topical application of strong hormonal ointments such as Halometasone and Eloson, twice a day. Some itching is more intense, but also can choose to use oral antihistamines, commonly used are keratan, cetirizine, adults once a day, once a tablet, children can reduce the amount according to weight, usually better results.

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