How to cure gallbladder cancer metastasized to lymph

Gallbladder cancer metastasized to lymph is considered to be in middle or late stage, which can be treated by medication, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery.
1. Drug treatment: mainly for symptomatic treatment, if the pain is serious, painkillers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be applied as prescribed by doctor. If there is biliary tract infection, antibiotics, such as amoxicillin and ceftriaxone sodium, should be applied according to medical advice.
2. Radiotherapy: For patients in the middle and late stages, palliative radiotherapy is usually needed to relieve symptoms, improve patients’ quality of life and prolong the survival period.
3. Chemotherapy: For patients with lymphatic metastasis in the middle and advanced stages, chemotherapy can also be considered, and the commonly used drugs in the clinic are gemcitabine, oxaliplatin, tegretol and so on.
4. Surgery: some patients whose gallbladder cancer has metastasized to lymph need to consider extended radical surgery for gallbladder cancer.
The prognosis of gallbladder cancer is related to the clinical stage. When gallbladder cancer has metastasized to lymph, it is mostly considered to be in the middle or late stage, and patients need to actively cooperate with doctors in treatment, strengthen daily life management, and review on time.

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