Can Erzhi Pills be taken for a long time?

Generally speaking, it is not advisable to take Erzhi Pills for a long period of time, so as not to cause discomfort or aggravate the burden of liver and kidney functions, etc.. If the symptoms are not relieved after taking Erzhi Pill for 4 weeks, one should go to the hospital for consultation. Erzhi Pill is composed of Chasteberry (steamed) and Murraya. It has the effect of tonifying the liver and kidney, nourishing yin and stopping bleeding (nourishing the yin fluid to stop bleeding). It is used for dizziness and tinnitus, dry throat and nose, soreness of the waist and knees, and heavy menstruation caused by deficiency of yin in the liver and kidneys (insufficient yin fluid in the liver and kidneys). Avoid indigestible food. Not suitable for patients with cold and fever. Allergic to this product is prohibited, allergic people should be cautious. If you need to use Erzhi Pill, you must use it under the guidance of a professional doctor.

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