The efficacy and effects of barley and red beans pumpkin porridge

The barley and red bean pumpkin porridge itself has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach and resolving dampness, which is more suitable for patients with spleen deficiency and dampness. Job’s tear has the effect of strengthening the spleen and benefiting the qi, and at the same time, it has the effect of facilitating dampness and transforming dampness, while red bean itself has the effect of facilitating urination and removing dampness, and pumpkin with yellow color into the spleen and stomach itself has the effect of strengthening the spleen and benefiting the stomach, and at the same time, white rice is added to the porridge, rice can also strengthen the spleen and stomach, and the four ingredients together can achieve the effect of strengthening the spleen and transforming dampness, which is suitable for people with spleen deficiency and dampness. This is also accompanied by weakness, sticky and unpleasant stools, for such patients using barley red beans pumpkin porridge will play a very good effect.

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