What does episodic atrial prematureness mean?

Atrial premature contraction is one of the more common arrhythmias in clinical practice. Episodic atrial premature contractions are defined as those with no more than five premature beats a minute. For these episodic atrial premature contractions, they are often caused by functional reasons and are not clinically significant in many cases. First of all, it is recommended that the patient should undergo an ambulatory electrocardiogram to assess the overall 24-hour arrhythmia. If the diagnosis is indeed an episodic atrial premature contraction, then special treatment is often not needed, and it is recommended that the patient pay more attention to regular rest and relaxation, avoid drinking alcohol, strong tea and coffee, and avoid straining and staying up late, so that the arrhythmia may gradually improve and disappear. However, some patients may have atrial premature beats induced by disorders of phytocontrol, i.e. neurasthenia. Even if the atrial premature beats are episodic, some patients may feel panic when they are too sensitive. At the same time, the patient can be advised to take the Chinese patent medicine heart stabilizing granules in combination. If the patient has a previous history of bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, then it is relatively inappropriate to choose beta-blockers, because beta-blockers, may aggravate airway spasm, inducing increased inspiratory difficulties. In this case, non-dihydropyridine calcium antagonists can be chosen for further treatment of atrial precipitations. Episodic atrial premature is not clinically significant, so that we try not to choose anti-arrhythmic drugs, because anti-arrhythmic drugs themselves can cause arrhythmic episodes, especially for young patients, try to still start with adjusting work and rest, emotions.

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