How is artificial hives treated?

  Artificial urticaria, also known as scratch evidence, Chinese medicine disease name “wind addiction rash”, Chinese medicine identification: 1, wind-heat type: the main clinical manifestations are: the whole body skin itching, scratch immediately after the formation of patches of wind masses or elevation in the form of cords, especially in the evening when the heat is more, the tongue is red, moss thin yellow, pulse sinking fine string, physical examination: scratch marks all over the body, skin scratch test (+) The evidence belongs to a long-standing depression of wind evil that has not been released.  Treatment principle: search for wind and clear heat; formula: Wu Snake Expelling Wind Soup.  Herbs: Wu snake 9g, Thornbush 9g, Fangfeng 9g, Cicada molasses 6g, Qiangwu 9g, Angelica dahurica 6g, Scutellaria baicalensis 9g, Horsetail Lian 9g, Jinyinhua 9g, Lianjia 9g, raw licorice 6g .  2, blood heat type: The main clinical manifestations are: itching of the skin all over the body, after scratching, small wind clusters or elevated in the form of cords, red and prickly tongue, pure moss, fine and smooth pulse, physical examination: skin scratch test (+), mouth and tongue erosion. The evidence belongs to fire in the heart meridian and blood heat generates wind.  Treatment principle: cooling blood and eliminating wind; prescription: 30g raw earth, 9g angelica, 9g tribulus terrestris, 9g thorny mustard, 9g Zhi Mu, 30g raw gypsum, 15g comfrey, 9g red peony, 9g Xuan Shen, 6g raw licorice. 3. Blood stasis type: The main clinical manifestations are: itching of the skin all over the body, after scratching, striated elevation, especially in the evening, the slightest touch, also immediately issued elevation. The tongue is red and purple, the coating is clear, and the pulse is smooth with a number of strings. Physical examination: skin scratch test on the back (+). Evidence: Stasis blocking the ligaments, blood stasis generating wind.  Treatment: Invigorate blood to dispel wind.  Herbs: Angelica sinensis 9g, Red peony 9g, Peach kernel 9g, Safflower 9g, Thornbush 9g, Bupleurum 9g, Cicadelle 6g, Danpi 9g, Yinhua 9g, Schisandra 9g, Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae 6g. All the above prescriptions are commonly used in clinical practice and have good efficacy.

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