The efficacy of boiling water with wicker grass

The efficacy of boiled water with Langsin grass is to clear the heart and lower the fire, diuretic and laxative. It is often used in clinical practice to treat urinary tract infections, as well as edema and difficulty in urination, symptoms of these urinary tract infections. It can also come to treat jaundice, boredom, arrhythmia, difficulty sleeping, insomnia, children always cry at night, and can also be tonified by boiling water with lantern grass, as well as treating sore throat, etc. In clinical practice, the focus is on treating the symptoms of insomnia, especially insomnia caused by a relatively strong heart fire, accompanied by sores on the mouth and tongue, also known as mouth ulcers. The application of lampblackberry boiled water to drink, 1-3g each time, such long-term drinking, to lower the heart fire to improve sleep, improve the quality of sleep, has a great effect.

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