Why does it hurt more when you eat Andrographis paniculata for a toothache?

Toothache eat Andrographis paniculata more pain has nothing to do with the Andrographis paniculata itself, it is the tooth itself is caused by inflammation of the dental nerve. Although Andrographis paniculata has the effect of clearing heat and removing toxins (removing heat and toxicity from the body), it does not have a significant effect on tooth pain, especially pain caused by pulpitis. The pulp is surrounded by hard dentin in the middle of the tooth, and when the pressure in the pulp cavity is too high to drain during pulpitis, the tooth pain will be aggravated. Early stages of pulpitis have short episodes of tooth pain with long intervals. In the later stages of pulpitis, tooth pain episodes are frequent. Short intervals or no intervals, the tooth pain is difficult to relieve, and taking through the heart is not effective. Root canal treatment of the tooth is needed to relieve the pain. Therefore, toothache and more pain by taking Andrographis paniculata may be a symptom of advanced stage of pulpitis, which needs to go to the dentist for immediate treatment. Patients should not use Andrographis or other medications on their own to avoid delayed treatment or adverse reactions.

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