What’s wrong with a low blood pressure of over 90 that won’t come down even with medication?

The diastolic blood pressure of 90mmHg can not be lowered by taking more drugs may be related to the insufficient dose of drugs or the existence of factors that lead to the elevation of diastolic blood pressure. Diastolic blood pressure 90mmHg more drugs can not come down may be related to insufficient drug dosage, you can first increase the dose of antihypertensive drugs, observe the effect of the drug to lower blood pressure, for the treatment effect is relatively poor patients, but also can increase the other mechanism of action of the drug, such as oral amlodipine can be increased when valsartan. Patients with elevated diastolic blood pressure also need to find out if there are any triggers for elevated blood pressure, such as patients with sleep deprivation, excessive anxiety, obesity, etc., which can also lead to difficulty in controlling the patient’s blood pressure, and it is important to pay attention to ensuring sleep, controlling body weight, stabilizing emotions, etc., which is conducive to the control of blood pressure. Control of blood pressure should take into account a combination of factors, low-salt diet, appropriate exercise, the combination of lifestyle and medication to control blood pressure.

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