Will a miscarriage due to low progesterone still be low in a second pregnancy?

Miscarriage due to low progesterone to get pregnant again may also be low progesterone.
Progesterone has an important role for women, for women who want to get pregnant, progesterone is produced and secreted by the body’s ovarian corpus luteum cells, which can provide a healthy environment for the conception of the embryo, and for women who do not have the requirement to have children progesterone can maintain the regularity of menstruation.
If a woman has a low progesterone level in her previous pregnancy and miscarries, it means that the ovarian corpus luteum is not functioning properly, and this condition will often reoccur in the next pregnancy, and low progesterone can easily lead to habitual miscarriages after another pregnancy.
After the emergence of low levels of progesterone in the preparation for pregnancy should be carried out before the luteal function supplementation, if you are already pregnant, it is best to go to the hospital to monitor the level of progesterone, appropriate progesterone, dydrogesterone and other drug interventions, in order to enhance the value of progesterone, in order to prepare for the preservation of the fetus.
Specific medication should be under the guidance of a doctor.

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