How soon can you exercise after a general anesthesia gastroenteroscopy

After general anesthesia gastroenteroscopy, you can usually exercise properly after 24 hours, but not strenuous exercise. Gastroenteroscopy needs to be carried out under general anesthesia, and after the examination, you have to stay in the endoscopy center for observation to avoid anesthesia accidents, and you can only leave after 1~2 hours. In general, after doing fully anesthetized gastroenteroscopy, you can exercise properly after 24 hours, such as walking. However, you should not do strenuous exercise within half a month, and you should not do stretching exercise within one month, so as not to cause trauma bleeding. If you need to do general anesthesia gastroenteroscopy, it is recommended to consult with a professional doctor in detail in advance, such as the relevant precautions and contraindications before and after the gastroscopy, including diet, exercise and other aspects. Moreover, within 24 hours after the general anesthesia gastroenteroscopy, you should not work at height, operate machinery or engage in driving work, etc., so as to take safety precautions and eliminate safety risks.

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