Is it okay to use patchouli water for cold and wind?

If you have a cold, you can use Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Shui to treat the symptoms of summer dampness, such as fear of chills, fever, head swelling and pain, light and tasteless mouth, abdominal pain, diarrhea, white tongue coating, etc. Such symptoms belong to summer dampness and can be treated with Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Shui to dispel the heat and relieve the symptoms. If it is wind-cold cold, you can use Ma Huang Tang plus or minus to dispel wind, dispel cold and relieve symptoms, but you can also use cold and fever granules or cold and fever capsule to dispel wind, dispel cold and relieve symptoms for treatment. In case of wind-cold cold, the common symptoms include light fever, heavy cold fear, nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose, itchy throat, coughing when the throat is itchy, coughing with white thin sputum or a little foam in the sputum, and a light red tongue with thin white coating, this is a wind-cold cold.

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