High uric acid is most likely to eat out?

High blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and high blood sugar are the familiar “three highs” and the three major killers of health. While we are fighting with the three highs, the fourth high has come quietly. It is high uric acid! The national prevalence of high uric acid is 13.3%; there are about 170 million people in the country, more than 114 million people with diabetes, followed by 200 million people with high blood pressure and 300 million people with high blood lipids. Uric acid is “garbage”! Uric acid is the body’s metabolic “garbage”. The body has a “funnel” that holds uric acid. Once there is too much uric acid in the “funnel”, or if there is a problem with the “funnel”, the uric acid will be carried into the bloodstream and become high in uric acid. Where it sinks, where it hurts! When uric acid in the blood reaches 420 (360 for women), it is deposited in many organs and tissues, causing various diseases. 1, deposited in cartilage: gouty arthritis. more than 50% of gout occurs in the big toe, and after repeated attacks, it may also appear in other joints such as the foot, ankle, and knee. 2.Deposited in the kidneys: gouty nephropathy, in severe cases, kidney insufficiency and even failure may occur. 3, deposited in the urinary tract: cause urinary tract stones. 4, aggravate cardiovascular disease: research shows that the incidence of acute heart attack in gout patients is 26% higher than normal. 5, aggravate metabolic diseases such as diabetes 20% to 50% of patients with hyperuricemia have diabetes. High uric acid: a disease that comes from eating! In fact, the main reason for high uric acid is the decrease in the function of the kidney tubules to excrete uric acid, and the high uric acid from “eating” only increases the burden on the kidneys of susceptible people. Because of the intake of animal offal, seafood and other nutrient-rich food in daily life, it is easy to suffer from hyperuricemia, so it is customary for people to think that high uric acid is a disease that comes out of eating, and patients are advised to eat less of the following foods: 1, beer; beer contains a lot of purines, and a bottle of beer can make uric acid rise twice. 2, hot pot: shabu once hot pot than a meal intake of purines 10 times higher, or even dozens of times. 3, seafood: purine high seafood including anchovies, sardines, scallops, herring, mackerel, oysters, clams, clams, dried shellfish, etc. 4, offal: animal offal has more purines than seafood; eat at most once or twice a month, no more than 100 grams each time. 5, soup: soup is high in fat and purine, and is acidic, which is not conducive to the discharge of uric acid. In addition, you can eat the following foods: 1, drink more water, 10 cups a day. Ensure that more than 2,000 ml of water per day, preferably plain water, light tea water can also promote urination and help uric acid excretion. 2, 1.5 pounds of fresh vegetables every day. Vegetables contain a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium and other elements, eat 750 grams of vegetables every day, is conducive to improving the alkalinity of urine, to promote uric acid excretion. 3, soda food with you. Soda food can play the role of neutralizing high uric acid. Carry a little soda crackers with you, eat a little after socializing to reduce uric acid. 4, moderate to light exercise, weight control Moderate exercise can reduce the accumulation of body fat, improve the body’s metabolic function, facilitate the excretion of uric acid and control the course of the disease. Reminder: strenuous exercise can lead to an increase in uric acid, you can choose walking, jogging and other moderate intensity exercise. The best way to lower uric acid is to use fresh corn husk and corn cob leaves to boil water and drink it in summer to increase the body’s alkaline reserves and help lower uric acid, which is particularly effective. If you have high uric acid, you can try it! High uric acid is actually a symptom of kidney deficiency, because the kidney’s filtration function is weakened, and the acid toxins in the blood cannot be discharged and flow with the blood circulation. The big toe joint is the most terminal joint in the body, where crystals of acid toxicity are most likely to accumulate, and also some people have pain in the thumb joint, all for the same reason. If you do not adjust the kidneys to restore its filtering function, acid toxicity crystals squeeze the joints for a long time, and finally the joints cannot move properly and deformation occurs. It is worth noting that some studies have pointed out that overweight people tend to have high levels of uric acid in their blood, and after weight loss, blood uric acid levels can drop significantly. Therefore, exercise to lose weight can help reduce uric acid levels and prevent gout from occurring. However, when a gout attack occurs, be sure to avoid exercise and elevate your legs, and apply appropriate ice to the affected area.

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