What is the hpv 9-valent vaccine?

HPV 9-valent vaccine mainly prevents cervical cancer caused by human papillomavirus infection, which is also known as cervical cancer caused by HPV infection. It can prevent more than 90% of cervical cancer and achieve better results clinically. HPV9 vaccine mainly blocks the infection of the following HPV: HPV type 6, HPV type 11, HPV type 16, HPV type 18, HPV type 31, HPV type 33, HPV type 45, HPV type 52, HPV type 58. And among them, HPV type 16 and 18 are the main factors of cervical cancer in China at present, so once you are infected with HPV type 16 and 18, it may lead to cervical cancer. Early HPV 9-valent vaccination is very necessary to eliminate the occurrence of cervical cancer.

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