How to get rid of black marks after mosquito bites

Black marks after mosquito bites can be removed by applying topical medication and physical therapy. 1. Topical application of drugs: topical application of drugs for patients with mild symptoms of black marks, such as hydroquinone cream, can remove melanin, the use of the process, the use of drugs in the area of the skin may have a mild stinging or itching and other adverse reactions, it is recommended to use under the guidance of a doctor. 2. Physical therapy: physical therapy such as laser therapy, laser therapy can directly and selectively act on melanin, so that it absorbs the energy of this type of laser and is destroyed and decomposed, when the pigment is absorbed by the human body, the color will fade, so as to achieve the purpose of removing the black marks, but contraindicated for pregnant women, light allergy and the application of light-sensitive medications, hypertension, diabetes and other people. Black marks after mosquito bites clinically known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, mild symptoms will mostly subside on their own, daily need to do a good job of moisturizing sunscreen, medication and physical therapy need to be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

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