What’s that tickle in your throat when you turn on the air conditioner?

Turn on the air conditioning throat itch may be caused by throat allergies, may also be caused by vascular neuromotor disorders.
1. Allergic factors: air conditioning is not cleaned for a long time, the filter adheres to more dust, dust mites. When the air conditioner works, these allergens will be blown into the air, and allergy sufferers will experience allergic symptoms, which can be manifested in the throat, such as itchy throat, dry throat and cough.
2. Vascular neuromotor disorders: in the process of opening the air conditioning temperature gradually decline, cold air stimulation of the mucous membrane of the throat caused by vascular neuromotor disorders. It can also induce mast cell degranulation release histamine, symptoms such as itchy throat.
Patients are advised to clean the air conditioning filter regularly, and those with severe symptoms are advised to seek medical examination and treatment in time.

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