Which class of drugs does erliximab tablets belong to?

Erythroxib tablets belong to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Erythroxib tablets belong to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, this drug can be inhibited by the patient’s body of the cyclooxygenase enzyme to play the effect of antipyretic, analgesic, its inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition of the selective than indomethacin and meloxicam, but weaker than celecoxib, commonly used in the alleviation of osteoarthritis and other diseases caused by the pain symptom, usually recommended to be taken after a meal. Common adverse drug reactions to Erythroxib tablets are epigastric discomfort, fecal occult blood, abdominal pain, and constipation. Erythroxib tablets are not recommended for patients who are allergic to any of the components of the drug, perioperative coronary artery bypass grafting surgery patients, patients with a history of allergy to other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and other patients with contraindications to the drug. CAUTION: Patients should be alert for signs and symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, and slurred speech, and should seek immediate medical attention when any of these signs or symptoms occur. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including this product, should be used with caution in patients with hypertension, and blood pressure should be closely monitored at the start and throughout the course of treatment with this product. Erythroxib Tablets should be used under the guidance of a physician, and it is recommended that patients who need to use Erythroxib Tablets for treatment go to the relevant departments of regular hospitals for consultation, and do not take the drug on their own.

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