What are the effects of boiling water with loquat and rock sugar?

Loquat and rock sugar boiled water, as food does not have medicinal properties, but eaten in moderation can provide the body with some energy, replenishment of some of the nutrients needed to a certain extent to maintain normal life activities. Every 100g loquat can provide the body with 179KJ of energy, 9.3g of carbohydrates, 0.8g of protein and so on. Each 100g loquat contains 8.0mg of vitamin C, 122mg of potassium, 17mg of calcium and so on. Each 100g of rock sugar can provide the body with 1688KJ of energy, 99.3g of carbohydrates, 2.7mg of sodium and other nutrients. Although loquat and rock sugar can provide sufficient nutrition for the body, but for diabetic patients need to eat with caution. Pay attention to the consumption of loquat rock sugar water in moderation, the body is not feeling well to seek timely medical treatment.

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